Houseplants filter our air, increase humidity, and provide a touch of nature to our surroundings. However, not everyone has the space to grow a fiddle leaf fig or an areca palm indoors.
Grow one of these adorable, tiny plants in a teacup, on a ledge, or anywhere you need a green boost. Each plant may stand on its own for cuteness, but a collection makes a beautiful little landscape or windowsill garden. You can get some inspiration for garden-themed games from online New Zealand casino.
Baby Tears
Soleirolia soleirolii is adorable in every way: the popular name of baby tears elicits an “aww” reaction, and the plethora of tiny leaves add character and charm to this easy houseplant. Grow baby tears in a tiny terrarium or under a glass cloche in bright filtered sunlight to provide the humidity this small plant requires to grow lush.
String of Pearls
The succulent genus Senecio provides us with numerous interesting leaf forms, including the string of pearls S. rowleyanus, which closely resembles every kid’s least favorite veggie (but is not edible).
The plant’s unusual leaf form helps it thrive in its native South Africa, where the spherical leaves maximize water retention while limiting leaf surface area, which would otherwise result in water loss to evaporation.
In a warm room with filtered light, a string of pearls will trail daintily from a small hanging container; snip off the pearls as needed to shape and keep in bounds. When you’re done, you can try out some games from
Air Plant
Few plants are as tolerant as the Tillandsia genus. These epiphytes, or air plants, thrive atop branches in frost-free areas, taking the moisture they need from the air with specially developed scales on their spiky leaves.
For these mess-free plants, mount them on driftwood, arrange them in a basket, or make a soil-free mini terrarium. They grow slowly and require only partial sunlight and a weekly dunking in water to be hydrated.
Wooly Thyme
Place a container of Thymus pseudolanuginosus wherever you need an aromatherapy pick-me-up. The soft, fuzzy leaves are easy to the touch and release a savory burst of thyme scent with each pinch.
In a full light container, the slow-growing plants barely reach three inches in height and crawl slowly to produce a dense, wooly mat (and may even flower). When the soil’s surface is dry to the touch, water wooly thyme sparingly.
Purple Shamrock
There are many hundred clover species in the Oxalis genus, some of which are weeds and some of which are quite beautiful. Around St. Patrick’s Day, burgundy or red cultivars with yellow or white flowers are common at garden stores.
Plants grow to be six inches tall and eight inches broad in containers, which should be kept dry.
Venus Fly Trap
Venus flytrap plants are occasionally marketed as novelty plants for children, but with proper care, they make the perfect small houseplants. The teeth-like rough edges of Dionaea muscipula leaves are equipped with trigger hairs that, when touched twice, snap shut on prey insects like that bothersome fruit flies you’ve been trying to get rid of.
These peculiar plants have peculiar growing requirements: They thrive in a peat moss growing medium and require purified water because they are sensitive to minerals. To ensure a long life for your Venus flytrap, provide strong light and cool winter temperatures.